Wednesday, July 14

The Runaways

After seeing the previews I'm really keen to watch this movie. I've only seen clips and screen shots but here's what I already love about it:

1. The fashion (I've already dug out my wide leg jeans and am now coveting a bowie tee)

2. Dakota Fanning (she looks gorgeous and so grown up)

3. The fact that Kristen Stewart finally has a role that suits her (although I'm not a huge fan of her acting and I don't think she's at all suited to the role of Bella in Twilight, I think she'll make a great good Joan Jett)

Hmm now I'm feeling all 70's inspired... off to blow wave my hair and listen to Janis Joplin xx


  1. haha just this afternoon i was considering making my own bowie tee! at the time i was stacking the dishwasher while trying to dance to "golden years". will let you know of my success, or perhaps even make you one!

  2. haha love it! yes let me know how you go!
